A great combo!

We´re very happy about our first litter of 2019!

From breeding an own CB VPI Sunglow Motley x Blood a small but fine litter was born. This litter should contain only Hypo or Motley babies – all 100% het. for VPI T+ and Blood, however, one “wildtype” baby has been born as well, showing us there´re always surprises :-).

Babies have been cleaned up and are ready for their first setup!

So I like to know, have you ever had a Hypo Motley litter which also contained a “wildtype” or even a Hypo Motley baby?

Looking forward to your answers!

Some nice Motley with interesting pattern in there! 🙂

Of course I gonna post further pics of the litter as soon as the babies are out of their first shed – but what I´m really looking for are the babies that these beauties will produce some day 🙂

Have a great Easter weekend!
